

Hi there!

I’m a web editor by day, aspiring composer by night, and this is my site…

I live in Stockholm, Sweden, right in the center of it, and I think that our capital city is very beautiful and offers many interesting different places to visit. I like the variety in the weather that the four seasons create – the opportunities to sunbathe and go for a swim right in the center of the city during the summer, to take atmospheric walks in the autumn and to ski in the close surroundings of Stockholm during the winter.

I am a creative person who has a strong interest in theater, film and other artistic expressions. I am also interested in people and psychology and like very much to meet many new people every day.

Until now, I have been working in three areas that are not so far apart, according to me:

  • Culture / Creativity
  • Marketing / Communication
  • Business


… Cultural events must often be sold to the public. A marketing campaign must be designed and filled with content, just like a script, lyrics or stage performances – and so on…

To be more exact, previously, I have worked as a project leader, communicator, salesman, administrator, film editor and stage manager.

A recurring theme in my career is that I have wanted to be a skilled communicator, expressing myself through words and pictures – preferably in creative environments.

Recently, I discovered the joy of composing music – a hobby that now has developed into a passion.


“Let’s make great things together!”